Monday, September 19, 2016

Jim’s Journeys … Traveling the TTA Highway

Greetings from the road!  

What a fun couple of days traveling this great state!  After gearing up with a new set of tires I took off to the southern part of the state to South Hill then up towards the Richmond area, heading up to Ashland. 

In Dinwiddie County I met Steve Edwards and Mark Bassett (see picture) who are not only already on our mailing list, but Steve has taken several classes with us!  I hope to see you both at future training sessions!

At Ashland’s VDOT Residency the new building is almost finished and hopefully we can work with Bruce McNabb to bring some TTA workshops to the facility once the paint dries.  It’ll be easier to find the Ashland crew once the new building is finished and they can move out of their old digs tucked behind the new building… and some equipment…and the generator…and some materials…

I also had a great talk with Butch Sirry at the Chesterfield Residency.  He has over a hundred workers in need of training and TTA is here to help.  Butch will be getting a call from TTA Program Coordinator Robin Carpenter soon (if he hasn’t already) to set things in motion!  Robin is always ready to help coordinate bring a class to you- if you have a need for a particular workshop don’t hesitate to drop her a line (

Watch for information about when I’ll be traveling to your location. Or contact me at to schedule a visit.

I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.

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