Friday, March 22, 2019

Shifting attitudes with illusions

If you read the Maclean’s, The Globe and Mail,,, Vancouver Sun, Province, or National Post articles or heard interviews on international and North American radio and TV programs about the illusion, you’d know that drivers in West Vancouver were confronted with what seemed like a young girl running after a ball in front of their vehicle. In reality, it was decal on the pavement that looked like a real person. Signage near the 3D image read: You’re probably not expecting kids to run out on the road.

A group in Canada did something completely unique to raise awareness that there are more kids on the roads during back to school season. In fact, this campaign was a Canadian first. Preventable, BCAA Road Safety Foundation, and the District of West Vancouver launched a 3D illusion geared to make drivers slow down at high-risk intersections.

Read the rest of the story here.

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