Thursday, October 27, 2016

Cyclist Says His Pool Noodle Makes Toronto Streets Safer For Him

Cars barreling by him. SUVs passing within inches of his bike’s handlebars. Drivers jamming on the brakes and leaping from their vehicles to confront him.
Daily commutes used to be tough for Warren Huska, who cycles 18 kilometres from his home near the Beaches to his office in North York almost every day.
“People get really insulated inside a vehicle,” Huska said. “They don’t really know where the edges of their vehicle are.”
But, for the past year, drivers have given Huska a wider berth.
Now, when he mounts his trusty two-wheeled steed, Huska is protected by a pool noodle.

Strapped to his bike’s frame with bungee cords, the floppy foam cylinder is a reminder to drivers not to get too close.
Read the rest of the story here.

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